What We Learned About Email Marketing During the Pandemic

During These Strange Times, Our Email Programs Have Shown Resilience

It goes without saying that the coronavirus outbreak caused an upheaval in how nonprofits are approaching their fundraising programs. Given the new norm of social distancing, many organizations will need to rely more on digital marketing to compensate for losses they may be seeing in other channels. 

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Seven Things You Need to Do in Google Analytics…Today

Google Analytics has around an 80% market share for web traffic and analytics, so it's a safe bet that you're using it.  

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Let’s Not Be Cryptic


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Google, Facebook, Network for Good and The Unknown Known

Facebook and Network for Good have done a good thing.

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Second Gift Strategies that Work!

Sarah Koss
VP, Account Services

We all know that getting the second gift from a new donor is a key objective in the donor journey and crucial to long-term retention. And yet, as many as 70% of all donors leave us after that first gift. How can we enhance & extend the donor journey to reverse the trend?

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If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

We have all heard the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” While this may be effective at times, as fundraisers we need to constantly strive to grow revenues and fund the critical missions we serve.

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Experience Matters

Before you read the rest of this blog, I'd like to ask you a question.

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The $2.3 BILLION coffee cup

This past week a simple setting and editing mishap resulted in $2.3 billion in free advertising for Starbucks. And the best part, it wasn’t even a Starbucks cup – it was a generic craft services cup.

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What are you talking about?

We like to tie ourselves in knots trying to find the right mix of fundraising and cultivation for our audience segments, but have you ever taken a step back and asked yourself, “Do they care?”

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Are you tuned into the right channel?

Jeff Ostiguy
Jeff Ostiguy
Vice President, Digital Marketing

Multichannel... Omni-channel... Cross channel... Pan channel. So many buzzwords ... and I think I just made up that last one on the spot.

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