Recent Posts by Linda Williams

Linda is Chief Strategy Officer at THD, responsible for the agency’s growth and innovation. Throughout her career working with the nation’s top nonprofit brands, Linda has leveraged her strategic competencies and consultative style to help organizations drive growth through integrated revenue strategies.

Witness to the Evolution: The Trends Reshaping Fundraising

We recently sat down with Linda Williams, EVP, Chief Strategy Officer, for her perspective on how fundraising is changing and why. She highlighted several catalytic societal trends and industry mindset flips. Here's her take on an evolution that’s shifting fundraising into “marketing to raise funds.”

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2020’s Shifting Plate Tectonics: Impact of 2020 Events on Donor Attitudes and Expectations

Recently, I’ve found myself tapping to the drumbeat of a rap poem that each of my kids performed in 5th grade about shifting of the tectonic plates (hard to forget … I have four kids so I heard it a lot) because, on so many fronts, 2020 has felt like the Earth’s plates are moving under my feet.

With so much seemingly in flux, envisioning the impacts on charitable giving (specifically) and the nonprofit sector (in general) is daunting. But as Chief Strategy Officer at a social impact agency, that’s in the job description.

To better understand the impact of the “events of 2020” on charitable giving, THD fielded research just after the presidential election. The outcome presented both immediate-term observations, as well as interesting insights with longer-term implications. While some of the data reinforces broader trends that are known to us, other data suggests new opportunities for those nonprofits whose focus is on building sustainable revenue streams from long-term donors. 

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