Recent Posts by Kellie de Leon

Kellie is Vice President, Account Management at THD. She is an experienced marketing strategist with a blend of agency and client-side experience across a variety of industries and non-profits. Kellie leverages her broad skillset including digital marketing, email marketing/marketing automation, social media, direct marketing, telemarketing, DRTV, and brand strategy to drive maximum impact for clients.
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My Pandemic Career Pivot: Finding More Meaning In Work

As 2020 progressed, I heard many people wishing for things to get “back to normal.” For me, last year's events were an inspiration to move forward to better, not back to normal. 

2020 shined a spotlight on the many gaps in our society, revealing opportunities to make things better. I became more aware of how each of us has just so much time and energy, and I wanted to use both more purposefully as part of a collective mood and movement that makes a positive, meaningful difference. 

That’s why I feel so fortunate to join the exceptional team at THD as Vice President of Account Management. 

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